Gerade nach dem Aufwachen und im Autopilotmodus zubereiteten Kaffee im Twitter-Fluss gefischt und via Danko Jones' retweet diese Meldung gefunden:

Nach 14 Jahren werden REFUSED wieder auf einer Bühne stehen. Beim Coachella. Im April.

[…] There were a couple of phone-calls, lots of skepticism, some hesitant enthusiasm before one of us basically said: "– This is ridiculous. There are friends of ours who would murder close relatives just to go see bands there. Let's just do it, one last time." And with that, socialist fag-loving pc scumbags were on the road again.
We never did "The shape of punk to come" justice back when it came out, too tangled up in petty internal bickering to really focus on the job. And suddenly there's this possibility to do it like it was intended. We wanna do it over, do it right. For the people who've kept the music alive through the years, but also for our own sakes.
We feel that you deserve it and we hope the feeling is mutual.

See you in the pit.
// Refused

Erst covern Anthrax "New Noise" für ihre neue Platte und jetzt das. Entweder sind REFUSED sehr clever oder es gibt doch so was wie Gerechtigkeit da draussen.